“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” John 17:17
Dear Friend and Partner In Ministry:
There’s no doubt about the season we live in. Today Scripture verses that we have known for years suddenly take on fresh meaning and relevance. Those of us who support children’s ministry realize we are in the battle of a lifetime. It is a war of words: truth v.s. lies; right v.s. wrong; good v.s. evil. The question we must answer is, “Does truth matter?”
G.R.C.M is preparing for a new school year. Each member of our team will be prepared to put on truth as a belt to keep us strong. Our sword is the mighty Word of God that will penetrate deep into the hearts of boys and girls bringing light and life as one by one receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
What can you do to help? As part of our Truth Team you can volunteer to be trained to work in an after-school Circle Club; you can pray with power on a regular basis; you can help at Victory Camp Colmesneil; and you can give a Truth Matters gift to invest in this important work of the Lord. Your gift of any amount will help to make all this possible.
Please respond today. Your decision can change a child’s life for eternity.
Gloria Russell