FromDesk BigButton_smallFrom Gloria’s Desk

The methods change, but the message never does. I am so blessed to be a part of a ministry spanning generations, sharing the simple gospel message of Jesus to children. If you have been a part of the ministry of Gloria Russell, please email Aunt Gloria and tell your story


We would love to hear from you!

Today, Victory Camp Colmesneil, located on 33 beautiful acres in East Texas, is home to our headquarters where Aunt Gloria is still busy seeking God for direction, writing and planning mission opportunities for over 80 volunteers.

The work today:

#1 Victory Camps are held on Saturdays in the Spring for elementary age children. Activities include fishing, swimming, horseback riding, pottery making, a nature train ride and of course, awesome chapel services with worship leader Ricky Davis and “Stories to Live By” from Aunt Gloria and Mrs. Kelli.

#2 Circle Clubs are after school Bible Clubs taught by trained volunteers and are held on elementary campuses in Angelina, Trinity, Nacogdoches and Tyler counties. Today, approximately 10 volunteers go into 13 public schools each week for an exciting one-hour program teaching moral and spiritual values through action-packed activities, Bible message, Memory Verse, and music.



Missionary to children